James MacCleary MP |
0207 219 5946 |
Member of Parliament |
Councillor Stephen Shing |
07576 261898 /
07872 014028 |
East Sussex County Councillor |
Councillor David Greaves |
Wealden District Councillor |
East Sussex County Council |
Education, Social Care & Health, Roads & Transport, Libraries & Leisure |
0345 608 0190 |
www.eastsussex.gov.uk |
Wealden District Council |
Recycling & Waste, Housing, Parking, Environment & Pollution |
01323 443322 |
www.wealden.gov.uk |
Alfriston Neighbourhood Watch |
Nick Cattell |
South Downs National Park Authority |
National Park, South Downs Way, Planning & Conservation |
01303 303 1053 |
www.southdowns.gov.uk |
Sussex Police |
999 Emergency calls
101 Non emergency |
www.sussex.police.uk |
S.E. Coast Ambulance Service |
999 Emergency calls
0300 123 0999 enquiries |
www.secamb.nhs.uk |
East Sussex Fire & Rescue |
999 Emergency calls
0303 999 1000 Enquiries |
www.esfrs.org |
S.E. Water |
Water supply |
0333 000 3330
24 hour leakline |
www.southeastwater.co.uk |
National Grid Gas Emergencies (formerly Transco) |
Gas supply |
0800 111 999
24 hour gas leak line |
www2.nationalgrid.com./uk |
UK Power Networks |
Power cuts and electrical emergencies |
0800 783 8866 from landlines
0333 202 2023 from mobile phones |
www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk |
Environment Agency |
Flood emergency line |
0800 80 70 60 |
www.gov.uk/report-flood-cause |